Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This one's short, I promise!

First, thank you to anyone who has actually taken the time to read my last few epic posts.

I love this University, and today as I was walking across campus, thinking to myself I had an idea. We hear them all the time, Aggie Jokes. Some people are offended, some people ignore them. I happen to like most of them, at least the ones in good taste. Hey if you can't laugh at yourself you are going to have a long life.

So here is my suggestion. We should have some type of campus wide contest to see who has the best Aggie Joke. I plan to email our president about my plan later today. Let me known what you think! But first: two jokes to get you started.

Why is there no ice at Texas A&M? The Aggie who knew the recipe graduated.

What do all the Coke bottles at Texas A&M have printed on the bottom? Open other end.

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