Wednesday, February 24, 2010


One day, I sat in on Marissa's Physics class. Instead of getting a headache trying to figure out what the heck the guy was talking about I wrote some poetry after reading some of William Blake's for my English class.

On Justice

Oh sweet justice with blind eyes,
How can one serve thee?
Human work never satisfies,
But if it could, what glee!

For human hearts once were lost
And now feel only greed.
Why can't we humbly bear our cross
And help the ones in need?

It's said the last shall be first
That those with eyes can see
But why not act now? Why not quench thirst
And begin perfect eternity?

That poem was a combination of my thoughts as well as an echoing of William Blake's "The Human Abstract" from Songs of Experience.

This poem is a bit darker, just a fair warning.

Where is the Love?

Hatred, anger, lies, deceit
These were the nails in hands and feet
That hung my lover on the hill
And since that day grown stronger still.

How can we hate those we don't even know
Enough to leave them freezing in the snow?
Why such anger for another
Who, with God as father, is your brother?

Lies are words up from the vent
Where the evil one was sent
And the sin of deceit
Makes the dark lords quest complete

How can two brothers so hate?
What makes partners so irate?
The same reason he was nailed to a tree
He who valued, over his life, we?!?

I know that I have a ways to go with the whole poetry bit, but sometimes it just feels good to get it out there. Have a wonderful day, smile at someone.