For those of you living under a rock: There was, is, and likely there will continue to be a huge fight over health care in America.
The fight came to a head when the bill passed in the house. I'd like to take a minute to express my thoughts and feelings on the whole situation, but I promise to keep my comments rather depoliticized.
Let me start by saying I do not disagree that the nation's health care system needs an overhaul. Furthermore, some of the things in the bill I don't hate.
I struggle tying myself to any one political party. In fact, I favor the advice of George Washington who despised parties. I dislike the whole political machine.
"They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests." - George Washington - Farewell Address
So for some background let me explain my political standing in order to frame my forthcoming comments.
I like the constitution. It was written by some darn smart people and it has remained almost completely unchanged for over two hundred years. I would like the government to have as little power as possible and be as small as possible. I am willing to pay taxes to fund a standing army to defend this nation and do things like build and maintain roads. Beyond that I want to be left alone.
Through this lens it is easy to see why I hate this bill. First and foremost, let me just say that for the life of me I cannot understand why I can drive to Louisiana and buy a coke, a lottery ticket, a car, and so on but I cannot buy health care there or in any other state. If someone could explain that to me I would really appreciate it. I feel like that alone would open up the market to a novel idea that our friend the government seems to have forgotten: competition. And what does competition do in a free market? DRIVE DOWN PRICES. Problem solved. Furthermore, Amendment X, the last in the Bill of Rights, reads "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Where does the government derive the right to stop the interstate trade of health care?
The government has no grounds to force me to purchase health insurance. This bill will make that a law. That is absurd. I will be required by law to buy something. There are similar situations in that you have to buy insurance for your car, but you don't have to buy a car. This gives you no choice. I have not read one line in our constitution that gives the government the right to force American citizens to buy something. After just re-reading Article I of the Constitution I have still not found any language allowing the congress to pass any law that requires citizens to buy something.
Getting back to the whole political party thing, I don't like them but I feel it's worth noting when every single member of a party votes for or against a bill. I keep hearing from Nancy Pelosi and others that this bill is what the American people want, but that is not what I have heard. The intent for congress was to represent the will of the American people, and while this is never easy, I am willing to bet that less than a majority of Americans support this bill. Ignoring for a moment the fact that I think the bill is unconstitutional, I feel our lawmakers owe it to us to serve the will of the people.
One of the things that upsets me the most is the stance of the bill on Abortion. Regardless of whether you think abortion is murder even immediately after conception or just fine until birth you should not have to pay for others to have abortions. Yes, that is right, your tax dollars, the money your employer pays and that is drawn from your paycheck will fund abortions. My stomach turns because I am opposed to abortion. It turns also because this is like using taxpayer money to pay for health care for illegal immigrants, oh wait... But especially for something so controversial and so important to so many, how can you force someone to pay for something they do not want, and that they are morally opposed to.
I guess the reason I am upset is because I am tired of being told what to do and government waste and because my generation will have to foot the bill for this.
Some of you have heard of my anger over the letter from the Census Bureau telling us we would be getting the census form, (a letter telling us we would be receiving a letter) followed by the form itself and a separate letter with numbers to call for help that could have been stuffed in the census envelope so as to not pay for extra postage. Then you have the commercials and advertisements in other mediums. Your taxpayer dollars were used to make those commercials and ads and mail those extra letters. How many millions of dollars were wasted?
"The bureau is spending $133 million between January and May." -
The ads were made in 28 different languages, "including some as obscure as Hmong, a southeast Asian dialect."
Now I know the power of advertising, but lets remember one important thing. You are required, by law, to fill out this form. talk about out of control spending. How do they justify this?
Just remember, every time the people of this nation let another one of their rights be taken we slip closer towards complete government control. If that is what you really want, then start celebrating because we are close.
Summary for those of you who don't want to read this whole thing:
1. I do not support this new health care bill because:
a. It is a direct infringement on both state and personal rights
b. It funds abortion
2. I want the government to have as little impact on my life as possible.
3. I'm sick and tired of being told what to do by the government
4. I'm tired of foolish government waste
5. I'm tired of our government spending money it does not have and sticking us with the bill.
Jesus taught us to care for one another, he taught us to give and give and give. Jesus did not say that the government should take money from people and redistribute it to others based on their judgment.
"Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.'" - Mark 12:41-44
If the poor lady who gave what little she had, just a few pennies, had been forced by the law of the land to give it would it have meant as much? No. Charity is a decision to give, it cannot be forced.
I want to care for the people without insurance, but lets do it the right way. If we removed barriers to interstate trade to drive down costs and cut down on bogus malpractice to took care of our good doctors more people could afford health coverage. Those who wish to not buy it should not have to, but it should be available at a reasonable price to all. Those who want it but cannot afford it after that need our help and I have faith that the generosity of the American people, the most generous nation on earth, would be enough.
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's." - Matthew 22:21
I use a lot of quotes, but let me finish with one all my own. Care for your neighbor because you want to and you know through the example of Jesus that it is right. Charity by force does not benefit anyone, it creates a society of people who think they are entitled to teh fruits of the labor of others.
Ok, one last quote from someone else.
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is.”—Author Unknown
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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"It turns also because this is like using taxpayer money to pay for health care for illegal immigrants, oh wait..." <- I laughed out loud.
ReplyDeleteThey should put the form online. Well, that was my original thought anyway...but, I guess some people don't have access to the internet. Then again, some people also don't have access to mailboxes. But yes, I agree all of that is a waste of money. But, who cares when you can make up trillions of dollars? Melissa and I joke all the time about this and how we wish we could make up money and not get thrown in jail. haha.
I feel pretty much the same way as you do about all of this. A lot of people think it's because I'm trying to become a healthcare industry worker and therefore will get paid less because of this bill that I oppose it (and while that might have a very slight thing to do with it, though not really - it's not the real reason I don't like the bill).
"Those who wish to not buy it should not have to, but it should be available at a reasonable price to all." The problem with this statement though is, how do you propose making it a reasonable price for all? I guess you already sort-of stated it - decrease bogus malpractice (how?) and the trade barriers.
"Charity by force does not benefit anyone, it creates a society of people who think they are entitled to teh fruits of the labor of others. " I LOVE your quote. I've seen it happen too...
How's it going William? I just wanted to point out that the Constitution does grant Congress the right to regulate interstate commerce by way of the commerce clause. But I agree with you that forcing someone to buy something is ridiculous. Having car insurance is necessary because of the interdependence of fault in automobile accidents. Health care, however, only affects your and your family. From what I've read about in other countries tort reform seems to be the best course of action. Eliminating massive amounts of unnecessary lawsuits would drive down costs. I want to be a lawyer and I still think its the best way. Insurance premiums skyrocket because of lawsuits, just another case of fixing symptoms.